Ann Retzlaff (Sovereign Citizen) Sues Public Officials, Requests a “Common Law Grand Jury”

This is an ongoing case with a female sovereign citizen who has been problematic from the start. You can read a bit of her history here.

She has recently filed filed a “common law grand jury” case against three county officials, claiming her rights have been violated, and seeking to have the prosecution against her ended. In response, the judge had removed himself from the case (as he is one of the officials being sued).

The lawsuit reads in part: “The petitioner requested the Common Law Grand Jury for Amicus Curiae on their behalf and after investigating the matter we found a basis for belief of a wide spread public interest on a national level in this matter that is plaguing our courts. The purpose of this Amicus Curiae is to inform the court officers, hereinafter respondents, of fraudulent court procedures that have concealed the Peoples’ right of Natural Law courts causing the officers of this court, presumptuously unknowingly, to commit fraud upon the court via judicial machinery causing the court to seize person and property which proceeds without due process in a court not of Law.

The Grand Jury is one of the ways that We the People Consent to the actions of our government. If anyone has been deprived of their unalienable right, we will immediately grant full justice therein. The will of the Grand Jury is the opening and manifestation of due process8 in a court of law. The Grand Jury is the “Sureties of the Peace” that we find in the Magna Carta and ordained by the People through the 5th Amendment and, thereby officially acknowledged as an unalienable right. They are the posterity of our founding fathers. They are We the People that ordained and established the Constitution for the officers of this court to proceed with authority. Failure to obey the Law will result in this matter, that has been brought before the Grand Jury and decided to serve notice to the above said court to correct the error first, in lieu of indictment for those who after being duly informed and continue in denial…”

It goes on like that for 11 pages and it is signed by the “Grand Jury Foreman,” a name that is illegible.

She is also demanding that her case be moved to federal court, another common sovereign citizen request.

For now, the court has not formally responded. Next steps to be determined.

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