Female Sovereign Citizen Shoots and Kills Police Officer During Domestic Call

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Officer Lena Marshall, a deputy with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, was killed by a female sovereign citizen.

According to the details, the officer died on Monday, November 8. The shooting occurred on Friday, November 5, 2021.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation indicates that deputies were called to a home where the homeowners were requesting that a nonresident be removed from the home. When police arrived, a woman at the front door pulled a firearm and pointed it at the police. The police ordered her to drop the weapon but instead she opened fire, killing Officer Marshall.

A second officer arrived on the scene and killed the alleged shooter whose name is Jessica Worsham. Ms. Worsham was 43 years old. According to reports, she had posted multiple videos in which she “expressed hatred towards the county judicial system and law enforcement.” The Sheriff’s office were familiar with her but they did not know that she and her children had moved into that home.

The police knew her to be a sovereign citizen and were aware of her videos that she posted online. It’s not clear from the reporting precisely how they knew Ms.Worsham was a sovereign citizen. It may have been from her videos or it may have been something she stated to them when they came to the scene that day or perhaps on previous occasions. The article seems to indicate that the police knew her as a sovereign citizen.

If you like to read more about sovereign citizen interactions with the police, and the dangers that police face, you can read more here.

Very few cases of sovereign citizens shooting police officers are females. This case, and others like it, are indicative of the very real dangers sovereign citizens pose to law enforcement officers.

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