Sovereign Stories: January 12, 2023
“Disconnected, rambling, and nonsensical." An Ohio couple that recorded themselves breaking into the Capitol tried to use sovereign citizen arguments
Tracking the sovereign citizen movement in the US and around the world
“Disconnected, rambling, and nonsensical." An Ohio couple that recorded themselves breaking into the Capitol tried to use sovereign citizen arguments
South Australian cops smash ‘sovereign citizen’s’ car window after he refuses to show ID — WhatsNew2Day (@whatsn2day) January 9, 2023
Prairie Star National says it is not a ‘sovereign citizens’ org as considered in court Even with this: “Amos Blank
Two More Capitol Rioters Trying Out the Sovereign Citizen Defense "Me and my husband are the victims in this case."
It is not fully clear what is going on here with this police officer and man he thought was a
The reporting on this case has not been easy to decipher best I can tell, his ex-fiancée is using language
New Zealand: Sexual predator no longer identifies as convicted man, argues wrongful conviction, via @nzherald "I’m a natural man
According to this report the killers declared themselves sovereign citizens — Dr. Christine Sarteschi, LCSW (@DrSarteschi) December 13, 2022
Sovereign citizen/serial killer Good story by @TimesDan. I looked at one of Lorenzo's filings and it is definitely a sovereign
Many of you are familiar with how sovereign citizens act during traffic stops (and you may have seen numerous videos