Reports About ‘The Body,’ Okanogan County’s Sovereign Citizen ‘Cult’ Where Children are Property

This is excellent reporting by Dominick Bonny about a religious organization called “The Body” in Washington state. They consider their children their property. You can read it here.

I am following a new group where I have been seeing this same language about their children. I do not believe the group I am following is connected to “The Body” but I will be fleshing that out a bit more to see if there is any connection.

A person who calls himself (his name), “the living breathing man” has been telling his story to group members and claiming his children are his property. He is very aggressive and makes other wild claims that, at this point (given the limited evidence he provides), are unverifiable. Below is a bit of some of the things he tells group members:

I will be continuing to investigate and will report more later if I learn more. In the meantime, check out the above article.

Update: New article detailing more about the cult and the people who were part of it. Please read it here.

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