Wash Post Article About The Interconnectedness of the Jan 6 Insurrectionists

Michael Jensen wrote a very enlightening and big-picture piece that shatters the idea that the insurrectionists were normal, everyday people. He and his research team analyzed the backgrounds of defendants and found a surprising number of them were linked to dangerous groups and ideas.

“A 35 percent rate of participation in extremism among a collective of apparently “ordinary” individuals is an astounding number — one that should shake us to our core. Imagine if 35 percent of every workplace, college classroom or soccer club was made up of people with links to extremism. We would hardly call that, or them, ordinary.”

This is a great article because you begin to realize just how much extremism has infiltrated our society. It is quite a smart piece. Hopefully, it is read far and wide.

There is also mention of sovereign citizens in the piece, namely a more detailed analysis of capital defendant Alan Hostetter.

Be sure to check it out.

You can read it here.

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