Moorish Sovereign Arrested, Despite ‘Police Status’ In New Republic

Police stopped to help stranded motorists who happened to be Moorish sovereigns.

“Lenora Jackson and Carl Dowd, explained to police that they are members of the Moorish Society and not subject to federal, state and local laws, nor arrest by local law enforcement, and they gave police a pamphlet explaining their government…”

They did what sovereigns often do, called 911 while the police where there, asked for a supervisor, refused to show identification or identify themselves.

Police say they were belligerent from the very beginning. Even the children were trying hit the police, according to officers.

The car’s license plate read “United States of America Republic” which was impounded due to improper registration.

“Dowd carried a leather badge holder with a an identity card issued by the “Province of Indiana,” indicating he is a Lt. Marshal of the United States of America Republic, and Dowd told police they could not arrest him because “I am a law enforcement officer too…”

Dowd was arrested for impersonating an officer and resisting law enforcement. Additional charges may be forthcoming.

You can read the article here.

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