Standoff In Waipahu: Hawaiian Rights ‘Army’ Has Illegally Occupied A Private Pot Farm

Very interesting and involved story coming out of Hawaii involving sovereign citizens, some of whom are becoming rather notorious lately, particularly Col. Lilikoi (AKA Eric C.A. Nelson or the “bicycle bandit”) who was supposed to serve six concurrent 20 year sentences but who is somehow out of prison.

“The justifications put forward by the occupying group are a mishmash of unsupported beliefs about Hawaii land titles, lingering historical resentments of the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom, rejection of the existing government and its laws as “fake,” beliefs about “allodial” land rights adopted from so-called “sovereign citizen” groups on anti-government fringe, elements of the “straw man” conspiracy theory, and a healthy dose of plain old magical thinking.”

This article explains the dispute very well.

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