Sovereign Citizens Everywhere–This Time in the Czech Republic

I have verified sovereign citizen activity in at least 26 countries (and there’s probably more). This would make 27. The authorities in the Czech Republic are reporting being flooded with hundreds of requests from people who are trying to get rid of their obligations to the state. They are sending documents such as “affidavits of life” along with pieces of their hair, beard or fingerprints with the application of the document. They are attempting to “balance themselves from all contracts” and the authorities note that these requests do not “relieve a person of any obligations.”

Officials do not know what to do with them.

“Affidavits often have a uniform form according to a pre-prepared model. “I… from the genus… I honestly declare that I am over eighteen (18) years of age and have legal capacity and publicly declare the following: “it is at the beginning of the application. The text goes on to say that the “being… breathes life for the first time”, that he is “still alive and breathing” or that he does not surrender control of himself to any of the parties or to any other person.”

“To the affidavit of life I attach a written termination and cancellation of all contracts between a natural person in the name of … and corporations of the Czech Republic, which is listed as an LTD company in the Bank of England. These contracts were created without my conscious consent, without my presence and without my conscious signature. These contracts were created when my parents unknowingly signed my birth certificate.”

This is all an attempt to waive their obligations from the state.

The article says that the applications are registered by the Constitutional Court and the Office of the Government As Well as individual ministries or the Office of the President of the Republic of Prague Castle.

The article says that they’re not exactly clear on the the reason why people are doing this as justifications are rarely given but they do say things like “we are looking for the right way to be freely be, live and create in the local world.”

People sending in these documents often write that they unknowingly became slaves to the state when they acquired an ID card “and that note government, judge, official or policeman, or other employee of any corporation or company has the right to stand up to the living being of God in the creator.”

In some instances, the Justice Department (in that country) notes that sometimes the filings contain links to certain websites “for all public officials.” These links are often foreign and are simply templates.

The officials note that there is no such thing as getting out of contracts with the state. Officials believe the initiative has the hallmarks of a “call action” particularly because the receiving templates and some people send them in the name of their children. The authorities do not know what to do with the affidavits.

It is fascinating that this movement is spreading so far and wide. Countries across the world are experiencing sovereign citizen ideology and seemingly don’t know what to do with the people who believe in these ideas. It’s really quite remarkable.

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