Notes From Romana Didulo’s Wild Speech Today

This is a summary of a wild speech given by Romana Didulo today.

  • Celestial brothers and sisters visited the kingdom of Canada last night
  • Some else writes her speeches (divinely inspired?)
  • Announcing to the public that her three new cabinet members will be the new faces of dollar bills backed by gold
  • Her royal decrees have removed the shackle of the corporate government
  • The trip to the USA is still happening but why it has not happened is none of your business
  • They are coming to the USA with their newly created fake passports; They will not be using ones issued by a corporation; she has DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY as the Queen and does not need a passport to enter into ANY COUNTRY
  • More on DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY: people have no idea that she has DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY as does her team; everything she touches has immunity as does everyone she says has it; it’s automatic
  • More on the USA trip and her lack of crossing the border: do not speculate; whatever you think you know, you don’t. They will cross at the appropriate time
  • She has a message to the negative media tracking her: She can command (I think she means commandeer) any building, any vehicle or even any home (including yours); she does things that no one can predict; she can see everything you are doing and if you do not heed her advice “Shit can hit the fan”
  • She has video evidence of the fact that she is shape-shifting; she did in fact confirm that she does shape-shift; that is why you can’t draw her; she will not let people invade her soul; she is a higher being and as such can read you like a book; she went through a phoenix fire before she came to this planet; this fire burns all negative energy out of the body that has existed since the beginning of time. The ego is burnt, along with her desire for money
  • No reason for children to be on Ritalin; “we are going to teach them to be themselves;” children will be allowed to run around anywhere they want; “anyone who tries to suppress the children’s energy will have to answer to me”
  • About Ukraine: do not send them arms. Why? You are arming the “deep state. “
  • Every time someone does not heed her advice, “shit hits the fan.”
  • The kingdom of Canada is on “Defcon 1, the highest military readiness.” Because of this the Queen needs to be in the country and thus that is why she is not in the USA or elsewhere. She is worried about people attacking Alaska (?)
  • About her security for when in the USA? It is the commander in chief’s job to protect her (who she has personally named). In fact, she thinks she would be safer for her in the USA than in Canada
  • If you try to take out Queen Romana, within 2 seconds “you’d be dead anyway”
  • This entire mission is about saving children and the human species; worried about nuclear attacks
  • Someone drove by with a sign saying “QR is a fraud” and she was not happy about it. She said whoever told him that was themselves a fraud
  • She was excited about the video she believes mentioned her from the White House. The White House press corps (she believes) was asking about her touring the United States. She said they are supposed to be discussing other world affairs but no, instead they were talking about her. They are preparing the people of the USA of her arrival, she thinks. She has more fans in the USA than in Canada. The White House press corps are also “told what to say” so when they mentioned her, it was proof that they are preparing the people of the USA for her arrival
  • Who else recognized her reign? In Ottawa on Feb 3th, she was formally recognized (but she did not elaborate). And also, the White House lit up in red, white and tiffany blue/purples recognizing the Queen. And the watch given to her personally by Putin. Add in the White House Press Corp and all of these were done about her, proving her importance and recognition from leaders around the world
  • Says 50% chance Trump will come back and she will be lead the new super alignment of three countries. So this explains why the WH press corps were talking about her
  • Plans to rein for a very, very (many verys) long time
  • Says Canada is the first western country that no longer has to pay income tax thanks to her Royal decree
  • Also, home prices have been reset to 1955 prices, again thanks to her Royal decrees. Anyone who does not follow this, the Queen and the US Armed Forces will be going after you, and “perhaps I will end up taking your home and give it someone who needs it.” Home prices better start reflecting 1955 prices, she says. No foreigners are allowed to buy homes





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