Romana Didulo Seemingly Under Investigation By The RCMP

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A recent curious post on Telegram suggested that an investigation by the RCMP may be ongoing into Romana Didulo and her crew of people who are traveling around Canada in RVs.

They have been on the road for sometime now and recently unsuccessfully tried to enter the United States to continue their mobile tour. The goals of the tour are unclear but it seems that Romana is seeking to meet and greet with her people (the We the People).

They have also collected large sums of money from her followers, somewhere north of $142K according to supposed accounting records posted on Telegram. These are used to fund her trips.

No one knows for sure how this money is collected and handled, or even who it precisely comes from but I have seen posts from her followers indicating that they are sending her money.

Facts about exactly what may be going on are sparse. There is nothing official verifying that there is an investigation but there are definite signs pointing in that direction.

Best we can tell, she was turned away at the US border and will not be allowed into the country. She was intending to meet a man in Arizona whom she recently appointed as King (of the USA) and Commander-in-Chief (CIC). Of course, none of this is true but it seems to be the reality that they believe.

When you stop and think about it, the whole thing is very unusual. A woman who claims to be the “Queen on Canada” (among other things) has convinced thousands of people that she is their leader. They give her money, believe in her every word, so much so that some stop paying their bills because of a supposed “royal decree” making everything free– risking their own livelihoods, potentially disrupting their lives and the lives of families.

Some left their families entirely to travel aboard her RV, as unpaid assistants. Some of those assistants have now defected and report that their time with her was misery and they felt like hostages. She was abusive and dictatorial. She left some of them stranded in the middle of Canada, threatened to arrest them and charge them with treason (the penalty for treason per Romana is death) and release their medical records. It took them days to get home and weeks to recover.

Some may even be foregoing medical treatments awaiting medbeds that they believe will heal all of their ailments. The thing is, medbeds are not real. Read the thread below to learn more about medbeds.

It is a curious thing that is happening. There may be a temptation to snicker or laugh at this situation but I think that would be a mistake. Real people are impacted by their involvement with this movement, and not for the better.

There are many unanswered questions about Romana and her crew. Where will they go now since they can’t enter the US. If not the US, then where will they go? Will any country let her in? Is she being investigated and if so, for what?

If you are a former follower, or love someone who is a follower of Romana, please consider getting in contact (csarteschi at or via the contact form on the site. The more we know about the movement the more we can understand the nature of it, and what draws people in.

Hopefully we can learn more in time.

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