Sovereign Citizen Prisoners & Christianity
I read a lot of court cases that come from prisoners who are espousing sovereign citizen ideology. We don’t know
Tracking the sovereign citizen movement in the US and around the world
I read a lot of court cases that come from prisoners who are espousing sovereign citizen ideology. We don’t know
Letter filed in support of the Moorish Militia (formally Rise of the Moors), some of whom are in jail and
Continue readingLetter of Support For The Moorish Militia (Formally Rise of the Moors)
Note: The flag on the top of this form seems to be the same one adopted by Australian sovereign citizens:
I’m now adding Spain to my list of countries in which there are apparently sovereign citizens. The Guardian is reporting
Continue readingSpanish Sovereign Citizen Claims Diplomatic Immunity from Nonexistent State
This is an interesting case. It involves Mr. Latuwan Anthony Partee who is convicted of dealing cocaine, possessing marijuana and
Continue readingIndiana Sovereign Citizen Appeals Case, Loses
This case involves a man by the name of Max Winter Frånlund. He was convicted for organizing illegal demonstrations related
Continue readingSwedish Sovereign Tries His Case in Court, Loses
Nova-Stargate De Consuelo (AKA Nadine Perez Jimenez), who identifies as a sovereign citizen, is facing 16 felony fraud charges and
Waangwaa Kirnwil Yarrawirri has been charged with deliberately lighting the fire the caused the damage to the old parliament house.
Continue readingOld Parliament House Arsonist Goes To Court, Causes Problems
A report about the anti-vax movement from early March 2022 from the Combined Threat Assessment Group, housed in the New
Continue readingNew Zealand Intelligence Service: Anti-Vax Terrorism ‘Real Possibility’
Best I can tell so far, they have a Telegram group called All Meter Replacements Nationwide (UK). They seem to
Continue readingNew UK Group Offering Service That Replaces Gas & Electric Meters Under Common Law