‘Elements of Sovereign Citizen’s Thinking’ In Sweden

This article describes a security breach situation around the Malmö Forum (official international remembrance of the Holocaust and against anti-semitism event) where one of the drivers hired to drive visiting delegates was connected to the far right. They noted that he was posting QAnon and sovereign citizen ideas on social media.

In terms of problems with sovereign citizens in Sweden, (which they sometimes refer to as the sovereign civic movement; not sure if that is an error or a phrase they use interchangeably with the sovereign citizen movement), here is what we know:

  • A senior analyst at the Security Police say currently they do not see any “specific sovereign citizen movement in Sweden” but they are seeing “elements of sovereign citizens’ thinking” among some of the people they are tracking
  • They think this may be changing though, as sovereigns citizens are starting to organize; mobilization efforts are coming from the so-called Freedom Movement
  • The hired driver mentioned above was part of the “protective force,” Freedom Defense Sweden or FDS
  • The Freedom movements’ gatherings are bringing together a variety of right-wing extremists, from sovereign citizens and beyond; some are closely associated with the “Network” and other groups who go around and give lectures about racial biology and the fight against globalists
  • Another man in the Freedom movement, who the government has been tracking, has recently become a “LIVING-SOVEREIGN MAN,” and “believes that the person the Tax Agency wants to register “is fictitious” and “only an entity on paper”
  • Sweden, like the US and other countries, is now dealing with “threats from within”

You can read the entire article here

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