Seeking Personal Stories: Do You or Someone You Love Believe in Med Beds?

Are you someone who believes in the existence and potential of med beds (AKA frequency beds or variations thereof)? Have you or someone you know had any experiences related to these supposed advanced healing technologies? Whether it’s a personal story or a testimonial, we want to hear from you!

We’re gathering stories and insights from individuals who have encountered or have knowledge about these supposed med beds—an emerging topic with a growing community of believers. Your story could help shed light on this fascinating subject.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Personal experiences with med beds, whether firsthand or through others
  • Information about the source of your information about med beds came from
  • Testimonies about the supposed healing powers of med beds
  • Any information about people who have avoided traditional medicine believing instead in the power of med beds

Your story is important. We invite you to share your experiences with us.

How to Share: Simply send us a message with your story. We’re open to written accounts, audio recordings, or even videos—whatever format you’re most comfortable with.

Confidentiality: We respect your privacy. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please let us know, and we will ensure your identity is protected.

We look forward to hearing your stories and learning more about this intriguing topic!