Sovereign Stories

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Michael Ransom Hobbs II of Mountain Home was sentenced to 11 years in prison by the Baxter County Court. This sentence covers two cases from 2017 and 2018, both of which had revocation petitions filed. Despite this, Hobbs still faces numerous drug-related charges spanning from 2016 to 2024.

Hobbs’ legal troubles include theft, criminal trespassing, contempt of court, and multiple drug-related charges. He has had at least five attorneys, and at times, represented himself. While acting as his own lawyer, Hobbs filed over 50 motions filled with legal theories often associated with the sovereign citizen movement.

Mr. Hobbs refers to himself as a “National of United States of America, non-subject, non-resident, non-citizen, native Arkansan, and Natural Person.” He filed motions challenging the legitimacy of the prosecution and the court’s jurisdiction. These motions included demands to dismiss charges based on perceived conflicts of interest and claims of fraud in the prosecution.

Additionally, Hobbs filed a federal lawsuit listing multiple local officials and entities as defendants. This lawsuit, like many of his motions, was dismissed.


Scott Murrin received a threatening letter from a group called Nmdaka Dalai Australis (NDA), which is associated with the sovereign citizen movement. The letter demanded he surrender his two sons and submit to arrest, warning of life imprisonment with hard labor if he didn’t comply. This anti-government group, co-founded by Murrin’s former partner Helen Delaney, rejects government authority and operates its own “court” with self-styled “sheriffs.” These “sheriffs” have used their bogus court to intimidate and harass individuals involved in family law disputes across Australia.

Delaney, who lost custody of her children in 2022, has been accused of using NDA to try to regain her sons, causing significant distress to Murrin and his family. Murrin reported that his youngest son carries a tracking device for safety and that his children have been traumatized by the group’s actions.

The NDA has been involved in various illegal activities, including attempted extortion and perverting the course of justice. The group has also been linked to the sovereign citizen movement. Delaney and her allies have been accused of escalating these activities, posing a serious threat to those involved in family court cases.

The sovereign citizen movement, including groups like NDA, poses significant challenges due to their rejection of established legal systems and their use of intimidation tactics. This movement is considered a dangerous escalation from public nuisance to a serious menace, as evidenced by their actions against Murrin and his family.

The Trial of a Dutch Sovereign Citizen

The trial of a Dutch citizen from the Common Law Netherlands Earth, a sovereign citizen group, highlights the group’s anti-government extremism. They reject government authority, adhering to their interpretation of natural law. The group allegedly sought to acquire firearms to instigate a revolution. Sovereign citizens in the Netherlands and globally pose increasing threats, advocating for armed resistance and undermining democratic institutions. The movement’s rise, fueled by conspiracy theories, demands vigilance from security services to prevent potential violence and societal disruption.


Four members of Common Law sovereign citizens, are on trial for attempting to kidnap Essex coroner Lincoln Brookes. The group, led by Mark Christopher, stormed Essex Coroner’s Court in April 2023, armed with handcuffs, intending to arrest Brookes, whom they deemed unlawful. The cult operates under the self-proclaimed “Federal Postal Court” and promotes anti-government ideologies. The defendants face charges of conspiracy to kidnap, conspiracy to commit false imprisonment, and other offenses. The trial highlights the dangers posed by sovereign citizen groups rejecting governmental authority.

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