Federal Government Trying To Prevent Pauline Bauer From Making Invalid Arguments

Pauline Bauer is a sovereign citizen who set to go to trial this summer. The government is seeking to prevent her from arguing anything outside the facts of her case.

They specifically want to prohibit her from from presenting “any such argument at trial that encourages jury nullification.”

This, they explained, means that when the jury returns a not guilty verdict despite believing the defendant is guilty, they are basing their decision on invalid laws.

They also said that she might try to argue that other people at the capital are more responsible for the insurrection, and they’re the ones that should be on trial, not her. The government says that those arguments are irrelevant and have nothing to do with her charge, which is breaching the capital, shoving law enforcement and threatening to hang people.

They say she also plans to argue that she wasn’t at the capital on January 6th, despite video existing indicating that she was there.

In addition, they want to know by May 6, 2022, if she’s going to argue insanity or mental illness. If she doesn’t, prosecutors want the judge to prevent her from raising these in the future.

You can read more about her case here.

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