Update on a Sovereign Citizen/Former Police Chief Arrested on Multiple Felony Charges

I came across a lawsuit filed against members of the Kaplan Police Department in reference to the former police chief of that department and his sister. Former Kaplan Police Chief Boyd Adams was arrested and charged with four felonies in May 2024: filing false public records, public intimidation or retaliation, threatening a public official, and false impersonation of a public official. His sister Annette Adams filed the lawsuit detailing her and her brother’s complaints against the Kaplan Police Department. Both are American State Nationals (ASNs), the latest variation of sovereign citizens.

In the lawsuit, she explains she was stopped by the police because of her illegal license plate. She’s upset because she informed the chief of police that she had in fact changed her status to that of an American State National via a travel packet she made to give them. She stated that because she “chooses to live in private therefore her private car was not registered.” She had a “regulation Z plate on the vehicle to make it clear for police that the private car was not involved in commerce. Annette attempted to hand the Sgt. another travel packet in an attempt from her rights being violated and he refused to even look at the documents.”

Annette then tried to get Sgt. to speak to her brother Boyd Adams who was “the Marshal for the Louisiana assembly which is a lawful government on the land and soil.” Boyd was trying to explain to him what he was doing was not lawful. The Sgt. refused to speak to Boyd over the phone. When Annette arrived home Boyd returned the citations to Kaplan City Court with a letter to the judge stating Annette did not consent and the officer was acting out of his jurisdiction. Boyd also sent more notices to the chief of police via registered mail and email.

Annette was pulled over a second time later that same month for again having an illegal license plate. This time, the Sgt. said he was impounding her car and holding it until she received a state plate and registration. Another detective arrived on the scene and removed her illegal plate. On this occasion, she received citations which she signed “under duress.” During the stop, she again attempted to get the Sgt. to speak to her brother Boyd and he refused. She attempted to give the Sgt. a travel packet he refused to even look at the documents “which would have clearly told him what he was doing was unlawful and he was violating her God-given rights.”

When Annette arrived home, she sent a letter to the city court stating that she did not consent to the citations. She also received a bill for $3000 related to towing her vehicle. She was not allowed to retrieve her car until she obtained a state plate and registration. Her brother Boyd again attempted to call the police chief to advise him that their rights were being violated and “he had better do something to stop it from happening.” Boyd received no reply from the police chief. Boyd did not receive calls back from the mayor either. Both Annette and Boyd contend that Annette’s car was “stolen by the police… And that her rights were grossly violated.”

In May 2024, Boyd Adams received a visit from the police at his home who advised him that they had a warrant for his arrest. He was placed under arrest and taken to the local jail. Annette writes that “once at the jail, Boyd was processed and he made it clear with officers who do not consent to what they were unlawfully doing to him… Officers are well aware of Boyd’s status as a sovereign American state national.” Annette and Boyd maintain that he was falsely arrested.

Annette states that “Boyd Adams was the Marshal with statewide jurisdiction on the land and soil on Louisiana for the Louisiana Assembly which is the lawful government on the land and soil governed by the people…. One of Boyd’s duties in his position as Marshal was to serve notices to police departments in the state in regards to charges that were coming in regards to law enforcement. Boyd also served travel packets and mandatory notices and also passed on truths that everyone will learn soon. Boyd has been attempting to contact the chief and the mayor for over year and he is being ignored. If they would have responded all this could’ve been avoided. They would have been educated properly not to make mistakes they did in gross violation of rights on Boyd and Annette. The Kaplan police department had all the information they needed to learn what they could not do, it is obvious the laws and documents were completely ignored by the chief and his officers because of what they both did to the plaintiffs…”

Boyd Adams made a “special appearance” [in court] where he was told that all charges were dismissed. Boyd also double checked at the criminal section of the clerk of courts office and she verified that she had no charges therefore they dismissed.” Annette later learned that a family member had paid for all the tickets and their court costs, which is almost $1500. Annette is upset because she did not authorize anyone to enter a plea on her behalf and is demanding that the money be returned to the payer “without further delay and the citations against the franchise person need to be dismissed.” Annette sent a letter to the court and the DA but has received no response.

The lawsuit goes on to say that the police have all violated their oaths of office and that the “laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth.” They both suffered “significant emotional and financial distress.”

The lawsuit alleges that the officers of the Kaplan Police Department committed at least 16 potential crimes, and a fee schedule was included. In total, Annette is asking the court for $1,440,000.00 to remedy these issues.

I have not been able to verify at this time whether the charges against Mr. Adams have been dropped but according to this lawsuit they have been. I imagine that this lawsuit will eventually be dismissed. I will update if more information becomes available.

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