Case of Out-of-Control Sovereign Citizen Convicted, Appeals and Loses

Here is another case of an American State National (i.e. a sovereign citizen). The court record tells the story:

“Beginning in 2020 and continuing through 2021, Christopher J. Thompson called the Madison County Sheriff’s Office at least every other week, sometimes making ten or more calls in a single day. Each time, Thompson would rant, insult sheriff’s office personnel, and demand to speak to the sheriff. Thompson regularly told the dispatcher that he was coming to the office and would “have [their] badges.” Thompson’s rants and threats would later prove to be escalating in nature.

On September 22, 2021, Thompson made an especially vicious series of calls demanding to speak to the sheriff. The dispatcher informed Thompson that the sheriff was not in the office, but he could leave a message. Thompson refused to accept this and told the dispatcher “You need to hang up your badges and walk the fuck out of your offices now,” and “you’re all complicit in crimes against humanity” that are “punishable by death.” Thompson then demanded that the sheriff speak with him by six o’clock, gave the ultimatum “If not, I’m coming,” and hung up. Later that afternoon, Thompson called again, reiterated his demand to speak to the sheriff, and stated “I’ll take it to the end and all the way until the last fucking shell is loaded in my gun.” Thompson further threatened the dispatcher, stating “I’m taking the heads off of every fucking one of you” and “I’m coming for your asses.” As a result, the sheriff’s office implemented increased security measures and the dispatchers requested to be able to carry firearms.

Later that day, several deputies were patrolling Ohio State University’s Farm Science Review exhibition in London, Madison County, Ohio. They ultimately found that he was intoxicated… Sergeant Jacob Gibson then arrived on the scene and observed that Thompson’s eyes appeared glassy. Sergeant Gibson searched Thompson’s van and found a loaded Colt 1911 handgun sitting on the center console. Deputy Kyle Kaufman transported Thompson to jail and observed that Thompson was unsteady on his feet, smelled of alcoholic beverage, had glassy and bloodshot eyes, and slurred his speech. Deputy Kaufman asked Thompson to take a field sobriety test at the jail, but he refused.”

He was arrested and charged with four counts.

He was supposed to be evaluated for competency but refused to participate. They held a hearing and stipulated that despite his unusual beliefs (i.e. sov cit ideology), he was lucid and not suffering from mental illness. He was ruled competent to stand trial.

At a jury trial, he was found guilty and received a seven-year sentence.

Noteworthy about his case is that he is “he is “an American State National, an alien, nonresident of D.C.” and not a “person” and therefore is not subject to the laws or courts of Ohio.”

He appealed his case and lost.

Source: State v. Thompson, 2024-Ohio-2112

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