Report from a Former Didulo Group Member

Sherri Elliot after her ordeal with Didulo

One of Romana Didulo’s former live-in crew/team members has shared her experiences with the world. We rarely hear from people who were so close to Romana Didulo, who lived with her.

If you are not familiar, Romana Didulo runs a cult in Canada. Most of her followers are Canadian but they are also in the USA, Australia, Germany, Greece, and beyond. I have been tracking this group for some time. I am often surprised at how little reporting is done on this group.

Here is a broad overview of what she revealed: Her name is Sherri Elliot, and she was formerly a former law enforcement professional. She joined because she thought they were doing good things and she wanted to help. She was especially concerned about the children who were allegedly being kidnapped and child trafficked. She liked what Didulo had been doing with the grocery pages and collecting money for hay and so that was the impetus to join.

It started out good- things were fun but then she started to see things that were concerning to her. Generally speaking, she observed that Romana was narcissistic and paranoid. Didulo had little regard for how she treated people and how her actions and words affected others. Team members have very specific responsibilities & if they didn’t do them in a very specific way, they got into trouble. They had to report every single thing they did, including having to walk from one side of the yard to the other to throw away trash.

Many of the team members had jobs such as standing guard or serving as security for Romana as she was very paranoid and had to be catered to. They did not have good sleeping arrangements or conditions and there was little regard for their difficulties. Sherri, and other team members, had used their own money that was supposed to be returned and never was.

Sherri herself bought an RV and was never reimbursed for it and had spent quite a bit of money on repairs and so forth. Overall, the team was unproductive and rarely got anything done. They often focused on one thing and then that thing would soon be forgotten about. For instance, there were times when they were supposed to have a victory party in Ottawa, get passports, go to the United States, etc., but those things eventually just fell by the wayside, and everyone forgot about them and moved on to the next thing.

Didulo put them in volatile situations and expected them to handle tricky situations on their own. Some of them had to stand guard all night long.

Of particular interest was the fact that other team members were treated better than others. Darlene and Kaven seem to have received the best treatment. Kaven was a militant protector of Didulo. Darlene received special treatment. She was often called sweetie. Darlene and Romana roomed together and would shower together; team members said they had seen hickeys on their necks.

Sherri shared an experience where the team got together to assess why they were being so unproductive and to discuss some of the problems the group was having. There was in-fighting, and the team was not getting along. Didulo got angry and started to think that there was an infiltrator in the group and singled out one person (this person is still there). This person, according to Didulo, was not to be trusted.

Didulo made them listen to vibe-frequency music and do lots of drills and practice for bizarre scenarios (to be expanded upon later).

When Sherri first started seeing glimpses of the mean side of Didulo, she excused it and wondered aloud if Didulo had been “taken off planet.” Presumably, this is a reference to having been cloned or something regarding the “Galactic Federation” talk one often hears about from this group.

Sherri said that she ended up leaving because of the series of incidents in which she was feeling increasingly uncomfortable with how they (the team members) were being treated and taken advantage of. She described one day, the team taking off and not telling her and two other team members where they were going. When they finally contacted them and asked them why they were left, they were told they were not coming back to pick them up. They were also told to go to someone’s house and take pictures when they got there to prove they were there. They did go to that person’s house as they were told but they didn’t take pictures. Kaven, one of Didulo’s trusted protectors, asked why Sherri and others were so disrespectful and didn’t obediently listen to orders.

Eventually, Darlene asked Sherri and two others to leave, and they did. Sherri offered to take the others with her, but they decided to stay. After they left, they were considered enemies of the team.

In summary, they were treated very poorly, had to spend a lot of their own money they never got back, and were abused and disrespected by Didulo and her protectors. This is in line with other reports from a few others who had left the cult.

Sherri says that she doesn’t have any regrets about having spent time with the team. She did like many of the people on the team but her ‘no regrets’ comes from learning the truth about the movement. Now she sees Didulo as someone who is driving around Canada in an RV, on the people’s dime–no one special. Sherri says she stayed longer than she should have because she did not want to let other people down, but now she wants people to know the truth about the movement. Now that she knows the truth, she can’t support it.

I appreciate Sherri sharing this information and hope she has recovered from her ordeal.

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