Sovereign Stories: August 2, 2022

There was a story last week about Lithuanian children who were abducted by their sovereign citizen parents. They have been found, thanks to the police

American State National/sovereign citizen leads officers on motorcycle pursuit, attempts to draw handgun after running out of gas

USPS worker sharing their experience with a sovereign citizen who thinks she has diplomatic status

King Regis of the ‘Sovereign State of Tayos‘: Imaginary country in Quebec: Beware of this false king who sells bogus citizenships

This is a great quote from a judge in a case about a tax protestor/sovereign citizen. It captures the heart of the movement IMHO “Some people believe with great fervor preposterous things that just happen to coincide with their self-interest.” Coleman v. Comm’r of Internal Revenue, 791 F.2d 68, 69 (7th Cir. 1986). This is an apt description of Mr. Emerick who believes that changing the characterization of his American citizenship status to that of an American State National conveniently makes him tax exempt.”

Sovereign citizen accused of decapitating landlord with Samurai sword in rent dispute

Christ‘ found guilty

Sovereign citizen case found in court records: Diane Allen (Chase Allen’s mother; Mr. Allen was killed by police during a traffic stop in March 2023)

She sued the Farmington police and others for many things she did not like involving an April 7, 2022 traffic stop. She had an expired registration and no license. She refused to answer questions and handed police a “right to travel document” and info about 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 242. She was cited by the police She has since been sending excessive motions to the court In her lawsuit, among other things, she claims an “inherent right” to “access the public roads without her Liberty restrained” and “the public roadways are open to all to use freely to travel” Alleges Defendants lacked probable cause for the traffic stop because “she was traveling in private,” “she had a right to travel in her private property,” and “she is under no obligation or duty to follow ‘codes or statues [sic]’ as a private state Citizen” She also claims Defendants lack jurisdiction or authority “to enforce traffic codes under the Department of Transportation” or “in the face of Plaintiff’s Constitutional Rights” In the end, the court dismissed her motions

New Zealand case: Woman who has tried to avoid paying rates, dog registration back in court for refusing breath test

The bird park, the conspiracy, and the council plans that kickstarted a years-long dispute over a piece of land “This sense of injustice has followed them into the court system, where Shaw has embraced Sovereign Citizen (SovCit) rhetoric, and onto social media, where thousands of supporters have been mobilised to fight the bird park’s enemies. It has led, ultimately, to the Shaws losing everything.”

King of Ireland doubles down

Lance Phillips turns himself in

From court records–Oklahoma case August 1, 2023: About sovereign citizen legal claims: “These teachings have never worked in a court of law—not a single time” Fitts v. Newberry

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