Sovereign citizen in Australia: He was driving through town towing a caravan and refused police orders. “The court was told when police asked the male driver for his licence, he replied with “absolutely not, I’m not a taxpayer. Mr Donnelly said police conducted checks and were unable to locate any evidence of a current Queensland or interstate licence.” He was generally difficult and then did not show up to court. Receive a $550 fine.
- Lithuania case of parents who abducted children, linked to sovereign movement
- Sovereign family son runs out of court, is on the run
- Yates v the Money Source
- A source has indicated that this is a sovereign citizen case but this has not been confirmed yet
- Donald Netolitzky does a nice summary of this case
- Sovereign Moor from The Unami Buffalo Nation in Pennsylvania
- Sovereign citizen causing trouble
- Trouble in David Straight with the American State National products they are pushing