Sovereign Stories: June 2, 2023

Except that includes the “Legitimate Creditors of the Czech Republic”

“A mob of pensioners stormed a Prague courtroom on Tuesday to protest the prosecution of a former journalist who warned that NATO troops were preparing to shoot unvaccinated children. As the appeals court confirmed Jana Peterkova’s two-year suspended sentence for publishing alarmist videos during the COVID-19 pandemic, a crowd – middle-aged or older – broke down the doors. Branding the police “Gestapo”, they shrieked at court officials: “We are the law!” When police detained a protester, they were told they were “restricting the freedom of a sovereign citizen of the Czechoslovak Federal Republic”. Taking their cue from the US-based “sovereign citizen” movement – recognised as an extremist terrorist threat – activists calling themselves the “Legitimate Creditors of the Czech Republic” have mobbed Prague institutions in recent months, claiming that the breakup of Czechoslovakia was invalid, that they represent a legitimate provisional government, and demanding the handover of all state property.”

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