SOVEREIGN CITIZENS: Pseudolaw & Disorder
Link in replies!
— münecat (@munecatmusic) May 11, 2023
THREAD: Last night's lengthy #BBQStandoff Rodriquez/Bundy "town hall" was a falsehood-filled spectacle that may further compound the legal woes for the two.
Much of the first 90 minutes was spent on Rodriguez repeating lies about St. Lukes's, CPS, and "child trafficking."
— Devin Burghart (@dburghart) May 11, 2023
Sovereign citizen tries to sue Keybank along with several city and police officials. His case is dismissed as being frivolous
A few elements of his case–a man of many titles and whose punitive damage total he estimates is $585,000,000.00
— Dr. Christine Sarteschi, LCSW (@DrSarteschi) May 11, 2023
Sad news from Chris about his magnetic meat videos.
— Scir Reeve (@scirreeve) May 11, 2023
The Clifton Police Department arrests a driver cliaming to be a "sovereign citizen," who was also found in possession of cocaine: #fox44tx
— KWKT FOX 44 (@KWKTFOX44) May 11, 2023
A petition is circulating to have her and her husband removed from office.
— TisThursday (@NotYourAvgBear1) May 10, 2023
@DrSarteschi @Glowslightly The Smith County sovereign citizen saga continues.
— TisThursday (@NotYourAvgBear1) May 9, 2023
Last night, the SQ police reportedly arrested Jonathan Blanchette, who identifies as a sovereign citizen.
Blanchette's interaction with the police during the incident was live-streamed on Facebook, drawing attention due to its unusual nature.
— The court cat (@ResistanceCats) May 10, 2023
A self-proclaimed sovereign citizen has been fined and has had his car seized after being busted driving with homemade plates in Tweed Heads.
FULL story tonight at 6pm on #NBNNews.
— NBN News (@nbnnews) May 10, 2023
News Ltd approached the ACCC about dodgy pseudo law websites charging $$ for advice & boasting testimonials from happy, anonymous customers
ACCC said: “Sorry, but we do not enforce the accuracy of the internet.”
Odd statement. via @newscomauHQ
— Vaxatious Litigant (@ExposingNV) May 9, 2023
Ex-Shawano County campground owner accused of filing improper liens as retaliation
She's been in trouble repeatedly and never stops with her sovereign citizen antics
— Dr. Christine Sarteschi, LCSW (@DrSarteschi) May 9, 2023
This is new. A sovereign citizen nutcase just sent us a picture of the beans she is sending us in full accord and satisfaction of all claims under UCC 3-311.
That's not how anything works.
— Nick Purifoy (@nickpurifoy) May 9, 2023
Germany sees record number of politically motivated crimes
The criminal offenses of Reichsbürger and Selbstverwalter (Sovereign Citizen) movements increased by around 40% to 1865 cases. While these crimes mainly involved coercion, threats, and insults,…
— Dr. Christine Sarteschi, LCSW (@DrSarteschi) May 9, 2023
Sovereign citizen case: Man gets pulled over with "Ohio [-] American State National" and "Notice [-] Private Automobile -Not for hire" plate. He refused to provide identification, covered the VIN number, exited his vehicle to flip various pieces of mail over, apparently so the…
— Dr. Christine Sarteschi, LCSW (@DrSarteschi) May 9, 2023
This American State National might have dodged a traffic ticket, but stubbornly refused to show his drivers license after the RIGHT TO TRAVEL charade failed.
— JURIS (@aCorpFiction) May 8, 2023
Maybe not the best place for mortgage advice
— Dr. Christine Sarteschi, LCSW (@DrSarteschi) May 8, 2023
Magistrates witness a 'sharp rise' in sovereign citizen cases brought before the local courts – ABC News
— damien carrick (@damien_carrick) May 7, 2023