Timothy Michael Deaver of the People’s Bureau of Investigation (PBI) Going Pro Se

Timothy Michael Deaver was indicted (on a superseding bill of indictment), along with Darris Gibson Moody and Dee Thomas Murphy, of the PBI, on December 14, 2022. They face 62 charges of interstate threatening communications, and one count of conspiracy to commit kidnapping.

Recent news indicates that Darris Moody signed a plea agreement. Details of the agreement have not been released.

During the court proceedings on January 11, 2023, Mr. Deaver was advised of his rights to have counsel represent him at his trial. He indicated that he wanted to represent himself. The court determined that he had “sufficiently demonstrated that he wished to waive his right to counsel and that he be allowed, at this time,” to represent himself. The court officially granted his request to represent himself and assigned standby counsel for the defendant.

Other court records indicate that his trial begins sometime in March 2023. It will be interesting to see if he continues to represent himself.

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