Romana Didulo & Her Failed Attempt to Arrest the Police

As of this morning, there is virtually no printed information about what happened yesterday. Here is a summary of what I saw and know.

Yesterday, Romana Didulo, those in her inner circle, and some of her followers attempted to arrest the Peterborough police in Ontario, Canada. The event was led by Frank Curtain, a man who lives in a nearby town. He was one of two people arrested at the scene.

The reasons for the citizen’s arrest were multi-fold. Frank explained, in several videos before the event, that he is personally upset with how the Peterborough Police Department handled a complaint of his regarding his employer. He believed he had uncovered illegal activity by his employer related to the manufacturing of hand sanitizer and wanted to do something about it. He says he went to the police chief with his concerns many months before the event and did not get the response he wanted.

Since that time, he has been focused on the police chief, obsessed with the idea that the chief was purposefully hiding from him. Frank also believes that the police chief was in a plane that flew over his home, essentially taunting him.

Frank claimed yesterday that he had a year’s worth of evidence on the police chief that proves he committed “crimes against humanity.” Many of the messages coming out of the event yesterday seemed to be complaints about COVID-19 not being real.

In their advertising materials leading up to the event, Frank said that they were permitted by Romana Didulo to “peacefully…arrest every #terrorsist in the Kingdom of Canada.” They wish to arrest all “corrupt, criminal and evil Politicians, Bureaucrats, Healthcrats, Ceo, and their cronies.”

The stated plans were that they were going to arrest the police and hand them over to the military even though there is no evidence that they have any connection or access to the military.

Frank also said he informed the police he was coming.

How the day unfolded

About two hours before the event was set to begin, Mr. Curtin shared a YouTube link for the event. If you did not get on it early enough, apparently  you could not watch.

At some point, the YouTube link no longer worked, perhaps because YouTube limits how many people can watch a live stream if the account holder has a low number of subscribers.

The stream began at approximately 12:30 EST but the camera cut in and out. Mostly you could hear people yelling about COVID-19 being fake along with people yelling things such as “hail Satan” and even one person who repeatedly said “mask save lives,” who followers later were convinced was a “plant.”

It is difficult to determine how many people were on location at that time but anywhere from 20 to 40 from my video vantage point.

Soon thereafter, Romana Didulo and her inner circle crew arrived. It was a surprise to everyone. She had been claiming for days that she was heading to Nova Scotia. The day before the event she was unusually quiet on her telegram page. A video posted later showed a meeting between Frank and Romana in her RV in which Frank told her he was surprised that she showed.

Romana stayed mostly in her RV for the day. As followers were gathering outside, she live-streamed from inside her RV announcing her arrival.

A little after 1 PM, the group of approximately 20 to 40 people walked over to the police station. Frank repeatedly told them to be quiet and to stay as silent as possible.

They arrived at the police station, they knocked on the door times but no one answered. They could not see anyone inside and suspected the building was empty. They kept knocking and then decided to call 911, to speak to the police directly. From my vantage point, I couldn’t hear the conversation but it sounded as though Frank did speak to either an operator or an officer and he asked the police to come out.

The police did not come out for hours. In the meantime, people were milling around and Romana served them snacks including vegetables and sardines, among other things. Reportedly, there were also handing out bottles of water, some of which had been previously unsealed.

The police completely ignored them until a few hours later when a video shows Frank at what appears to be a backdoor entrance to the police station. Here he can be heard telling the police that they are being detained and that they should make the right decision and come out.

Soon thereafter, another video surfaced of Frank and a second person being arrested. Frank could be seen being dragged by the police and taken into the station. I would encourage you to check out the video. It got ugly fast.

The second person arrested was Timothy Claudio. As of Sunday afternoon, he was still at the hospital since he was injured. He is being accused of: assaulting a police constable and another officer in the exercise of their duty,  “willfully obstruct[ing] another peace officer engaging in the exercise of his duty by providing a false name during his arrest.”

As this was happening, Romana was live-streaming inside her RV. She could be heard asking repeatedly “did they get Peggy?” From the video, it appears as though Peggy and several others in Romana’s inner circle were involved in a scuffle before the arrests.

After Romana asked about Peggy, she could be heard ordering her people to get inside the RV telling them to “hurry up, hurry up, hurry up” and then you can hear sirens. The live stream ended at that very second.

They knew something was happening and they were hiding out in her RV.

After the arrest, the crowd dispersed. Romana went back to live-streaming and did so for the next several hours. She was repeatedly telling people to stay calm and that she was in contact with the military.

She then announced that a triangular-shaped spaceship had cloaked and un-cloaked itself and she saw it. This meant (to her) that the military did indeed arrive.

For the next several hours she spoke about her discussions with the military and posted messages on telegram indicating that more help was on its way.

Telegram comments from followers mostly consisted of people believing that the Galactic Federation of Light had been there that day (presumably they were the ones that cloaked and uncloaked themselves), and some questioned whether or not the military came.

By approximately 8 PM, the event was over. Romana and her inner circle parked her RV in a private lot near the police station. They continued to post messages and videos on telegram for the rest of the night.

In reviewing the telegram message boards last night and this morning, many are upset about what happened. Some people are calling for war against the police and complaining that her authority wasn’t respected. Frank is seen as a hero, someone who was kidnapped and captured by the police. Below is a sample of some of what telegram followers are saying this morning:

“We should all pray for #Safe #protect the safe return of Frank and our other two patriots that were taken by these cabal players. There is a bigger picture at play as those who are against any type of freedom.”

“I was there…..picked up Peggy off the floor and ran with her away from the crowd after pulling an officer’s hands off of her…..she was shaken….I didn’t see if she was injured…..It was very difficult to watch them grab the peaceful protestors…we watched the police violently punch them….my daughter was very shaken seeing it……we did our best to stay calm….very difficult……we came to support the brave people who came to arrest the police and these people got violently punched and dragged into the building…….I want to see justice!…”

“Agent Margaritaville and Agent A1 on telegram have the goods on these low life’s and it’s not a pretty picture, execution is too soft of a punishment for these low life’s but we can’t allow ourselves to stoop to their Satanic level, their creator will have to deal with their crimes after they expire here, In the meantime, the military needs to physically remove the top brass from all public positions, as these individuals are all compromised and very dangerous, pick them up , process them at gitmo and execute them, We the people shouldn’t have to deal with cold blooded reptilian murderers, lethal Force is all they respond to or respect, as most of them are low life pussies, pansies and wimps The lower down puppets like the officers in this video simply need to be told the truth and that the new Head of government, is Queen Romana, providing they have nt committed crimes against humanity”

“I was there today and saw no military or drones. I saw about 35 people in front of cop shop for 2 and a half hours then I left just before the antics started. From what I witnessed this was poorly executed event. Frank was warned by retired freedom cop weeks before as to what could possibly happen. Without numbers and a well executed plan there’s no way we could accomplish what his plan was.”

“The police beating up people peacefully protesting is nazi type tactics…the people only got loud after the criminal police attacked Frank and his friend, why was Peggy beaten up if the police were just doing their jobs? Peggy was peaceful! Military needs to help We The People!”

“I was there, it was hell. We were let down by our selfs the people…we needed to be more people. The police are pure evil and the good people there were all in peace. No intentions to take them, the police anywhere. We were there to detain them in the building to handoff to special forces. That is why we were there. No one every had any other intentions. The police resisted their arrest and are criminal. They will pay.”

“This is exactly as I saw take place. I suspect if we were more people, the outcome would have been different, if 500 Canadians entered that building, the people would have filled the police cells with police I suspect…the people are fed up and beyond demanding action, they are Taking Action as we are all there and need to see improvements fast….And if we don’t defend our selfs and children, who is, Not the police.”

I came across some pictures that someone posted of the Peterborough Police Department from last night. It looks like someone was staking out the station. Very creepy.

The police are asking that people send any videos of the event to them. Please see below.

Before the event, I was asked how I thought the police would react. I said I thought they would respond appropriately because they always do. And they did. The moment someone did something illegal, the police arrested them.

In the end, not much happened yesterday. A relatively small number of people showed up and a few people were arrested. But make no mistake, we should not ignore the civil disturbance and the harm being caused by Romana Didulo.

I believe there will be more events of this type. Her followers want justice and are vowing to do more next time. She will do whatever she thinks will gain her power and authority. As I mentioned yesterday, that’s what this event was all about. She needs and wants to be seen as a powerful person and this event was a way for her to flex her perceived authority.

But the reality is, her group has zero credibility or authority and nothing they say is true. It is pure fantasy.

Update from court today: Frank and was charged with mischief and resisting arrest.

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