Sovereign Stories: Aug 11, 2022

The government wants Amos Miller (sovereign citizen) to go to jail for repeatedly refusing to do anything they ask. He is an organic farmer who refused to follow government regulations and whose raw milk has been linked to two people who developed listeriosis, one of whom died. They have been more than patient with him. He was still filing ridiculous motions as late as Aug 5th. Jail might be the only thing that gets his attention.

Australia: Prominent anti-lockdown activist tests theory to avoid laws (fuller story)

In the UK, nearly 100,000 people have pledged to stop paying their energy bills later this year after signing up to a civil disobedience campaign run by a secretive collective (paywalled)

Good New Zealand sovereign citizen case: “Arguments similar to this, based on the concept of the “sovereign citizen” are regularly made in New Zealand courts…. they have no legal basis and cannot succeed. All persons in New Zealand are subject to the laws made by the New Zealand Parliament and to the authority of the courts in enforcing those laws.”

This sovereign citizen is in quite a bit of trouble, says she is now homeless and is considering accepting a lawyer for trial

A case of triple murder at the hands of a sovereign citizen (paywalled)

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