Romana Didulo Is Trying to Bring Her Movement to the USA

All signs are pointing to the idea that Romana Didulo is attempting to bring her movement to the USA called the “Kingdom of America.” I have been trying to piece together the details.

See the figure below for where the plot stands. It all started with Didulo bringing a newcomer on board named David J Carlson from Arizona. She refers to him by multiple names, often as the Commander-in-Chief of the USA, among others.

He’s been active for over a month on Telegram and recently started appointing his own people, including a person named HE Emil from Nevada. The “HE” presulably stands for His Excellency. They are rapidly naming all sorts of people but the figure below outlines what has occurred so far.

Mr. Emil and or his wife have tried contacting the Attorney General from Florida. See the letter below.

Will update as more information becomes available.

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