Summary of (Some) Sovereign Cases This Week

Arrest warrants in the UK have been put out for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, UK Chief Medical Office Professor Chris Whitty, BBC Director General Sir Tim Davie, and others, clearly by sovereign citizens.

The documents were addressed to: “all Constables and all Sovereign Men and Women of England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland” and claim to give the power to recipients to conduct an “arrest under ‘Common Law’ and ‘Sections 24.24a of The Police and Criminal Evidence Act of 1984’,” and to “use force as is reasonable and proportionate to effect said arrest by using the powers given by ‘Section 3 of The Criminal Law Act of 1967’.”

In Ireland, Rory Adamson (AKA rory-brian of the family of adamson), a mortgage defaulter, attempted to stop the repossession of his home. He brought with him to court 25 people whom he described as his grand jury, who sometimes would break into applause cheering on their friend.

He put on quite a show that nearly landed him in trouble for contempt of court.

“‘You appear to be talking gibberish,’ Judge Doyle told him before she stated that she was going to honour Irish law.”

He ultimately lost his case and lost his home. You can read more about his shenanigans here.

Here is another sovereign in Ireland

In the United States, a man is accused of killing his girlfriend. He identifies as a sovereign citizen and does not believe the court or police have authority over him. Most sovereign citizens are not mentally ill but given some of the things he has said, it is possible that this individual may be suffering from mental illness. For now, he will undergo inpatient treatment. Will post more information when it becomes available.

A Romana Didulo tries and fails to use a cease-and-desist order with the police. You can watch the video for yourself.

Sovereign citizens attempts an arrest at a library. Also note that Alpha Men Danny is there from Alpha Men Assemble.

Weekend meeting with Bobby Lawrence and David Straight

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