Three Sovereign Citizens Arrested in Massive Multistate Fraud Scheme

The federal government has arrested Heather Ann Campos, David Lewis Best Jr. and Stephen Laverne Crabtree of Texas on charges of mortgage fraud, credit repair government loan fraud schemes. They are alleged to have sent numerous sovereign citizen letters to federal agencies and federal courts declaring themselves immune from prosecution and refusing to recognize the authority of the federal courts.

Campos and Best were indicted in January for conspiracy to defraud mortgage lending businesses, banks, the small business administration and the Federal Trade Commission. They said they would self surrender but instead went on the run. Since then, so were other co-conspirators have been indicted including Crabtree also went on the run. Six other people have been indicted.

According to the government, “Campos and Best recruited clients for credit repair using company names of KMD Credit, KMD Capital and Jeff Funding, among others. They allegedly “cleaned” their clients’ credit histories by filing false identity theft reports with the FTC. After fraudulently inflating client credit worthiness, the co-conspirators fraudulently obtained credit cards, disaster loans and mortgages for themselves and their clients, according to the charges. They were allegedly able to accomplish this through false statements and fake documents.”

You can read the rest of the press release here.

If convicted, they would receive up to 30 years in federal prison and a S1 million are fine.

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