Wisconsin Man in Military Vehicle Standoff Claims He is a “Sovereign Individual”

Mr. Aaron Renel of Shawano County, Wisconsin is facing multiple charges after a standoff in a military vehicle. Authorities responded to a report of a military vehicle on the highway that had a flat tire. When police attempted to stop the vehicle, Mr. Renel took off and led them on a chase.

Once they caught up with him, the police asked him why he was driving a vehicle in such a condition. “He stated that he knew I wouldn’t believe him but to check the satellites that are following him and that his tires had been shot out back where the tire debris had started.”

The police also suspected that he was a sovereign citizen and that was confirmed when he appeared in court today and told them that he was in “sovereign individual” and asked that the Supreme Court give him an attorney.

It’s possible that the police know him from a previous incident as he was arrested April 28 for firing a gun.

The judge has ordered a psychiatric examination and it was noted that Mr. Renel is a military veteran with PTSD and other mental health concerns. Hopefully he can get help before his situation is made worse by attempting sovereign citizen tactics. The fact that he was open to a lawyer is hopeful however, I don’t think it will be the Supreme Court who appoints him that lawyer.

You can read the article about the case in it’s entirety here.

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