Member of a Hawaii Sovereign Citizen Group Detained by FBI, Threatened to Behead Three People

Lindsey Kinney of Hawaii was detained by the FBI for allegedly threatening to behead three people, including the Waianae harbor master. Mr. Kinney is a member of a Hawaiian sovereignty group. They use ranks to identify themselves, wear military uniforms and carry illegitimate military documents.

The group claims they are “lawful military combatants” representing the “Country of Hawaii” which it believes has been occupied under martial law since the Hawaiian Kingdom was overthrown in 1893.”

The FBI alleges that Mr. Kinney posted threats to his Instagram page, saying he would cut off the heads of three people.

“Kinney’s threats were part of long rants posted to Instagram and Facebook on Jan. 17, less than two weeks after Simpliciano, accompanied by armed Department of Land and Natural Resources enforcement officers, attempted to serve a written warning on the owner of a small sailboat, demanding it leave the harbor or be cited.”

You can read more about the case here.

Follow up article notes this about the groups leader Col. Sam Lilikoi: “Court records indicate that Lilikoi’s birth name is Eric C. A. Nelson. Law enforcement sources said Nelson was the notorious “bicycle bandit” who robbed several grocery stores at gunpoint during the early 1990s. He was convicted and served 20 years in prison.”

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