British Sovereign Citizens

Vice World News recently explored the spread of sovereign citizen tactics and ideologies during the pandemic. Tim Hume went undercover and spent time with sovereign citizen covid “truthers.” It’s a group called Guardians 300 who claim to have trained many peace constables.

“At the end of the day, four of the group of seven, including myself, put our hands up to be sworn in as peace constables. We’re advised to get body cams, and burner phones, if possible.”

I was grateful to be included and I said this about what is going on:

“They’ve come to believe that if the government isn’t legitimate, then they can’t tell me what to do, I can do what I want. I see these people as outlaws. It’s a threat to democracy to have people believing that they can continually do whatever they want.”

Also included in the article is discussion about German sovereign citizens called Reichbuergers and some of the problems they’ve been experiencing with members of this group.

Article link here.

Documentary link here.

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