Sovereign Citizen Has Their Case Dismissed

This is a strange and frankly hard to decipher case. It involves Randi Lynn Erickson who filed a lawsuit against a number of people she says have threatened her in retaliation for her attempts to combat human trafficking. What’s interesting about Erickson is the claim of being “a member of the task force created through liaison to president Donald J. Trump operating under Joint Special Operations Command that gathers actionable intelligence of international crimes with the United States Army Intelligence Support Activity under the name Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.”

Their primary role is to “gather intelligence and electronically communicate it to agencies.”

What’s most interesting about this claim is that no such task force exists. There are others who have claimed also to be on this task force but again, it does not exist to the best of anyone’s knowledge.

The heart of the claim involves Erickson alleging that the defendants have engaged in activities to prevent her from “providing the US military actionable evidence regarding crimes against humanity.” In fact, the defendants, have “conspired to issue kidnap, torture, rape and murder threats” against her and other members to stop them from communicating with the proper authorities.

In the footnotes of the document, the court notes that another court found “reasonable grounds to believe that Erickson engaged in harassment which has or is intended to have a substantial adverse effect on safety, security, privacy, of some of the defendants. The court notes that Erickson “followed, monitored or pursued them, made threats, frightened them with threatening behavior and used social media to harass them.”

Erickson requested an appointment of a special prosecutor for crimes against humanity and full federal protection for herself and unnamed third parties.

In the end, the court denied the motions for various legal reasons.

To read the case for yourself, you can find it here.

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