Sovereign Sheriffs in New Zealand

A group of people in New Zealand (along with some in Australia) have decided that there now sheriffs. Apparently, in order to be a sheriff, you just need to fill out a online form, print it out and get a justice of the peace to sign it. Supposedly there are about 50 sheriffs already in existence and they are recruiting more.

The sheriff group also recently held a zoom “grand jury” in which a group of it’s 20 or so members determined that the government is engaging in tyranny and they must be stopped. They developed a plan in which they are going to effectively take over the government and have recently put the government on notice. In fact they’re only giving them a few hours and if they don’t do what they’re told, arrests are imminent.

This group is worrisome because the use quite a bit of violent rhetoric. They are not the first sovereign citizens to deputize themselves or to believe that they have powers that do not have. It’s something that’s happening more often lately. It’s definitely a worrisome trend.

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