Sovereign Citizen Smackdown By Queensland Judge

This is definitely worth the read.

Kym Anthony Sweet, was charged with two drug offenses and seeks to have the charges dismissed via a sovereign citizen argument. The judge explains why this is not going to work in this court (and frankly in any others). The judge takes the time to explain why these arguments are meritless.

A few highlights:

“Merely setting out the argument is sufficient to show it is nonsense. It is apparent that the applicant is one of a group of people who for some years have attempted, universally without success, to avoid the operation of laws with which they do not wish to comply…”

“Some of the applicant’s documents have the appearance of form documents,[8] and it seems to be common for overseas based charlatans to exploit the gullible by selling these form documents as ‘solutions’ to a variety of legal problems.None of the documents are of any legal effect whatsoever.”

“If the applicant were somehow able to renounce his legal personality, he would become a human being without rights. He would be mere property. Such an outcome would be antithetical to our society and system of laws… Even if the applicant possesses a ‘legal split-personality’, a proposition I reject, it could not alter this reality.”

“However he is known, and no matter how odd the punctuation, he remains the same person – the one alleged to have committed the offences charged in the indictment.”

Saving the best quote for last:

“The one to whom the applicant refers, Russell Jay Gould, is a resident of the United States of America. He claims to have unlocked the secrets of ‘quantum grammar’ and in doing so he saved America from once again becoming a colony of the United Kingdom because of a secret pre-revolution postal contract. In this way he became the ‘postmaster-general of the world’. (I am not making this up.)”

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