PA Sovereign Citizen Files Claim From Jail, Gets It Quickly Dismissed

In reviewing court records today, I came across the case of Dante Antionne Moss who has filed a claim from the Allegheny County jail in Pittsburgh, PA under the name of “Heba-Elohim: of the house of Moss-Bey (ex rel) Donte Antionne Moss Trust©.”

He is currently an inmate in the jail and was denied bail after homicide charges. The court says that his complaint is lacking detail and difficult to follow. For what they can discern, he is claiming false arrest, false imprisonment, and intentionally inflicting emotional distress. He includes a list of 20 or so pseudo-legal terms none of which, the court notes, is tied to any factual allegations or legal claims.

They have characterized his rhetoric as being sovereign citizen in nature. This is how they describe sovereign citizen based arguments in his case file: “…attacks on the judiciary and invocations of alchemistic, archaic, and irrelevant formalism…”

In addition to facing homicide charges, Mr. Moss is a registered sex offender. You can find that information here.

This is the second sovereign citizen sex offender I have come across in two days. Here is a link to the other one.

It should be noted that his case was dismissed “as frivolous, malicious, and for failure to state a claim on which relief may be granted…”

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