Self-proclaimed Archbishop of a Church Called Genesis II Church of Health and Healing Teams Up With Christopher Key (“Vaccine Police”)

Mark Grenon claims to be archbishop of a Florida church called Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. He’s known for promoting a dangerous Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) that he claims cures COVID, among many other things (it doesn’t). He and members of his family are currently facing federal charges for conspiracy to commit fraud and criminal contempt.

According to Vice, he’s been connecting with Christopher Key of the “Vaccine Police” and who also brags about drinking his own urine, and many other bizarre things.

Mr. Grenon, along with some of his sons, have allegedly been selling MMS (calling it a sacrament) to thousands of people despite it potentially causing irreparable damage. It’s a bleaching agent used in stripping textiles of color and turning wood pulp into paper. You can read the indictment here.

Interestingly, the Grenons are choosing to represent themselves, and have declared “themselves “freemen” and “vessels” not subject to U.S. law. Among other things, the motion read, “No Crimes were committed.”

So they appear to be adopting, at least in part, elements of the sovereign citizen movement.

“According to bank records reviewed by the FDA, the family was on track to sell more than $1 million worth of MMS in 2020, until Mark and his sons were arrested as part of Operation Quack Hack, the agency’s mission to shut down profiteers pushing dubious medicines.”

You can learn more about the Grenons here.

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