How The Everyday Person Can Become A Victim of a Sovereign Citizen

I was researching a lawsuit this morning in which an individual who practices law has been the target of a sovereign citizen who has filed “false and fraudulent” UCC-1 with the Secretary of State and claimed $100,000 in liens against the plaintiff and one of his former employees.

The victim was hired by a bank to collect the sovereign citizen’s past due debt. This involved sending the sovereign citizen a collection letter regarding his past due debt. In retaliation, sovereign citizen filed a UCC-1 claiming a security interest in the assets of the plaintiff and a former employee in the amount of $100,000.

The lawsuit also notes that the sovereign citizen utilizes “nonsensical punctuation marks into his name, holding himself out as an authorized representative for himself and falsely identifying himself as a creditor” of the plaintiff and the plaintiff’s employee.

The lawsuit warns that because the sovereign citizen has “demonstrated a willingness to file false records” that he is unlikely to cease his fraudulent conduct unless the court takes action. The plaintiff also suggests that the sovereign citizen committed an act of mail fraud.

The plaintiff goes on to argue that the sovereign citizen is interfering with a lawful business and his employees; that he has suffered a direct loss by having to pay its employees to deal with the sovereign citizen’s fraudulent mailings. “Such a loss is concrete, particularized, injury in fact that is directly attributable” to actions of the sovereign citizen.

The plaintiff is requesting a judgment against the defendant in response to this fraudulent lien.

In other words, an individual was doing his job and as a result became victim of a sovereign citizen who decided to put a lien on his assets and one of his employees. It’s affecting him, his business and the lives of his employees. In response, he now has to pursue a legal remedy in an attempt to remove a fraudulent lien placed on him by a sovereign citizen.

As you can see, anyone can become a target of a sovereign citizen. More needs to be done to protect the everyday person, and others, against these types of malicious tactics.

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