Sovereign Citizen Attempts “Completely Irrational and Incredible” Pleading. It Is Promptly Dismissed

‘THOMAS PETER WENTLAND’ is claiming in court documents that nine days after his birth, the state of Illinois created “the quasi-corporate/artificial person ‘THOMAS PETER WENTLAND'” and as a result “this Sole Corporation was granted in to the Private Constructive Cestui Que Trust (PCT) thus Petitioner became the quasi – Surety/volunteer quasi – trustee for the cestui que trust (presumed decedent legal estate trust.” This artificial person was seized under the “Trading With the Enemy Act” which was held in trust by the president United States.

In response to this, Mr.Wentland “abandoned all interest “in the state-created, federally protected artificial person ens legis ‘THOMAS PETER WENTLAND.'”

The court was so confused regarding what he wants. It specifically notes that his filings are “difficult to decipher and contain completely irrational and incredible allegations.”

Best they can tell, they believe that he is asking that “any entity with “an equal or higher equitable claim concerning the Name and Estate of ‘THOMAS PETER WENTLAND'” show cause why relief should not be granted, and a declaration that Plaintiff is the sole owner of the name “THOMAS PETER WENTLAND.”

They have characterized his request as being in line with sovereign citizen ideology; the belief that he is not subject to the laws of the country.

The court goes on to specify that: “the issuance of Plaintiff’s birth certificate did not create a fictitious legal entity simply by capitalizing the letters in [his] name, and it did not turn such artificial person into an enemy of the state under the Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933 or the Trading with the Enemies Act. Moreover, [he] cannot bind the defendants to his fictitious notions by arguing that “Respondents, by their silence, agree to these facts.”

“The courts have repeatedly rejected such “redemptionist” arguments as utterly frivolous.”

This case has been dismissed.

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