Daily Mail Not Backing Down From Covering the Alpha Men Assemble, Antivaxx/Sovereign Citizen Group

A reporter infiltrated the group and learned a lot, including:

  • they’re running military style training sessions to prepare for “war”
  • they are targeting “jab” centers
  • urged each other to target people who are giving the vaccines; are especially worried about vaccines being given to children
  • claim to have list of individuals who are pedophiles, presumably people they are going to go after

The numbers have been growing. When the Daily Mail first reported on this group, that was January 1 and they had only had about 2800 members. They currently have about 7000 members.

Below are a few tweets describing what was going on in the group this morning.

We should also note that this person is Phil Mcloughlin, who tried to remove a sick elderly person from a hospital recently.

They remain focused on Billy Peach.

What is most concerning is their belief that everyone to them is a pedophile and that Leona and other children are in great danger. If they truly believe this, they might be motivated to take extreme action.

A group to watch to be sure.

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