Sovereign Tries To Relitigate Case in Another Court, Loses

This is the part of the paperwork filed:

“TMTimothy Allan Reeves©” Suit Juris, Sui Generis, and hereinafter ‘Secured Party Creditor Sovereign “KING”, of the “PEOPLE”, Private Citizen, World Government of World Citizen, under the United Nation General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Supreme lien holder and OWNERSHIP over the Corporate fictional capital letter STRAWMAN (debtor) TMTIMOTHY ALLAN REEVES©; BY SPECIAL [*4] APPEARANCE TO DEPOSE AND STATE HEREINAFTER KNOWN AS THE Plaintiff; with lawful knowledge of the U.C.C., Court Law, CFR, FRCP, Black Law Diction, U.S. Codes, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and etc.; in Propria Person and expressly not “pro se,” a real party in interest appearing “nunc pro tunc” by way of special visitation and expressly not via general appearance, also hereinafter “affiant,” standing in unlimited commercial liability as Power of Attorney and Sovereign American Citizen, Secured Party Creditor….”

The court did not find his claim persuasive. The court responded with this:

“…the language parrots…the sovereign citizen movements all of which have been uniformly rejected as legally frivolous by this and other courts across the country…”

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