Mr. Matios is a man attempting to steal $300 million dollars from of a city in Colorado, at least according to one federal judge.
“The court said the effort to impose an arbitration agreement on the city mirrors similar incidents across the country, in which judges have labeled Sitcomm Arbitration Association, the group hired by Eyoel-Dawit Matios, to pursue his claim against the city, a “sham.”
How it works
An alleged aggrieved party presents an “arbitration contract.” If you do not respond, that is taken as tacit acquiescence and thus binding. The aggrieved party submits the matter to “arbitration,” which in this case is Sitcomm, who then sets a hearing and issues an award typically in the millions of dollars.
In the case above, Mr. Matios did this with the City, attempting to extract $300 million dollars. Apparently this one of many cases that have wound up in the federal courts.
The court recognized this as an abuse of the court system as well as a common tactic of the sovereign citizen movement.
You can learn more about this case via the court ruling.
Update: Case follow up (another loss)